Mithotyn was a Swedish black metal band with pronounced
Viking/folklore influences.
Most of the vocals are of the typical black metal
shrieking variety, which tends to get kind of samey, though
there are some almost Manowar-ish backing choirs here and there
that are nice.
The pace of the songs varies from mid-paced to speedy, with
enough variance to not be too monotonous.
Mithotyn were neither totally generic nor really all that original,
resulting in a mid-level career that was officially terminated
sometime in 1999.
Guitarist Stefan Weinerhall has since formed
Last Lineup
Rickard Martinsson
Stefan Weinerhall
guitars (ex-Falconer)
Karl Beckmann
Karsten Larsson
drums (ex-Dawn, ex-Falconer)
In The Sign Of The Ravens
- Upon raging waves
- In the sign of the ravens
- Shadows of the past
- Lost in the mist
- Embraced by frost
- In the forest of moonlight
- Tills dagen gryr
- Strories carved in stone
- Freezing storms of snow
- Where my spirit forever shall be
- Let thy ale swing
King Of The Distant Forest
- King of the distant forest
- Hail me
- From the frozen plains
- On misty pathways
- The legacy
- Trollvisa
- Under the banner
- We march
- The vengeance
- Masters of wilderness
- In a time of tales
Gathered Around The Oaken Table
- Lord of ironhand
- Watchmen of the wild
- In the clash of arms
- Hearts of stone
- The well of mimir
- Chariot of power
- Nocturnal riders
- The guardian
- Imprisoned
- Guided by history
- The old rover