The black metal world was dealt a tragic blow with the death of
mainman Valfar in January of 2004.
The rest of the band decided they could not continue as Windir
and so that band was laid to rest, but three members decided
to move forward, and thus Vreid was formed.
While black metal is the basis for both Vreid and Windir, the
bands do not resemble each other much, as on their
sophomore effort Pitch Black Brigade Vreid
leave behind the Viking/folk elements of their old band,
instead alternating a colder,
simpler, mid-paced black metal style (at times
resembling recent
Satyricon) with some more epic, old-school moments
(notably on Hengebjørki, for example).
A fourth former member of Windir now completes the lineup, as
all four guys here were once in that band.