Origin: Austria  
Genres: Black Metal, Folk Metal
Official Site
Last update/review: October 12, 2006


Another in a number of bands named after J.R.R. Tolkien characters/places, Rivendell was a one-man Austrian band playing mid-paced folky black metal, sounding somewhat like a cross between Moonsorrow and Falkenbach (coincidentally or not, Falkenbach is also a one-man black metal band, and its founder runs the record label that Rivendell was signed to). The Ancient Glory, released in 2000, was a decent first effort, affording a majestic air at its best while a bit plodding and pedestrian at its worst. Two albums were later released, with the last being Farewell - The Last Dawn, in 2005.

Last Lineup


vocals/all instruments


The Ancient Glory  
2000 Skaldic Art
  1. Intro
  2. The King Beneath The Mountains
  3. Malbeth The Seer's Words
  4. The Song Of Nimrodel: Part I
  5. The Song Of Nimrodel: Part II
  6. Durin's Halls
  7. Theoden
  8. Aragorn Son Of Arathorn
  • Falagar

Elven Tears  
2003 Skaldic Art
  1. Vale of Illusion
  2. The Song of Eldamar
  3. Misty Mountains
  4. Mithrandir
  5. The Fall of Finrod
  6. Dragon's Lair
  7. The King's Triumph
  8. Luthien
  • Falagar

Farewell - The Last Dawn  
2005 Perverted T.
  1. Rivendell
  2. The Fall Of Gil-Galad
  3. The Old Walking Song
  4. Eärendil
  5. A Drinking Song
  6. Back To Lands We Once Did Know
  7. Tinúviel
  • Falagar

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