Portland, Oregon, USA |
Black Metal |
Page online:
July 4, 2018
Last update/review:
September 2, 2019
Pillorian was formed by John Haughm and came into being
after the breakup of the well-respected
debuting in early 2017 with
Obsidian Arc less than a year after the
announced dissolution of said group.
Agalloch was famous for blending doom, black, folk, and other forms of
extreme metal over the course of their career, and Pillorian is neither
a direct soundalike nor a complete about-face, as the focus here is on
brooding, sprawling black metal, at times very in-your-face and at other
times somber and melancholic.
It appears that
Arc will be the only Pillorian release, as Haughm
folded the band after his own objectionable online comments pushed the
other two members to depart in February 2019.
Last Lineup
John Haughm
vocals/guitars (ex-Agalloch, ex-Sculptured)
Stephen Parker
Trevor Matthews
Obsidian Arc
- By the Light of a Black Sun
- Archaen Divinity
- The Vestige of Thorns
- Forged Iron Crucible
- A Stygian Pyre
- The Sentient Arcanum
- Dark Is the River of Man
John Haughm
Stephen Parker
Trevor Matthews