Minsk, Belarus |
Black Metal |
Page online:
May 31, 2022
Last update/review:
May 31, 2022
Mora Prokaza
Belarus' Mora Prokaza arrived on the metal scene in 2015, quickly
releasing a pair of albums, the latter of which (2016's
Dark Universe)
shows the band firmly entrenched in mid-paced, above-average
but relatively conventional second-wave black metal.
But then came 2020's
By Chance, throwing everyone for a loop, most
of all those (like yours truly) who'd never heard of the band beforehand.
At it's core, this is a trap album
(for the uninitiated -- again, like yours truly --, picture a black metal
vocalist doing rapid-fire rapping and you're halfway there),
with sparse but varying backing instrumentalization --
black elements from their past can be found, but they're just that,
fringe elements that are part of a bigger picture, and that picture (the
album as a whole) is not a black metal album.
But it is baffling, haunting, surely offputting to some while quite
intriguing to others.
Where does the band go from here?
By Chance is so experimental and one-off-sounding that it seems
unlikely that they'll continue down this path.
Even if they return to a more conventional black metal style,
Mora Prokaza has to be given credit for producing one of the oddest
albums in recent memory.
Current Members
Andrey Shepelevich
Former Members/Guests
Duarte Picoto
guitars (ex-Moonspell)
Bringer Of Plague
- The Choir of the New Age
- Eternity Streams
- The Marsh of Slaves
- Bringer of Plague
- Into Ashes
- Forgotten Crypt
- Prokaza
Andrey Shepelevich
Duarte Picoto
My Awakening
- My Awakening
- Satanic Hymn
Andrey Shepelevich
Dark Universe
- Kingdom of Pain (Intro)
- Painful Night
- My Awakening
- In the Filth
- Dark Universe
- Running Tribe
- The Shipman
- Satanic Hymn
- The Hoax
Andrey Shepelevich
By Chance
Season Of Mist
- I'm Not Yours
- Check It
- I'm a Human
- I See It This Way
- Be There
- Madonna
- Sorry Man
- Blacker than Black
Andrey Shepelevich