Origin: Italy  
Genres: Progressive Metal
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Last update/review: November 15, 2005

Garden Wall

Though not a household name, these Italians have been around for more than a decade, debuting in 1993 and with six albums released thus far. The album reviewed here is 2002's Forget The Colours (by several accounts, the previous albums are apparently different than this), a quirky, jazzy, dark prog/tech fest that is anything but an easy listen. There is a lot going on here, the kind of stuff that takes repeated exposure to fully absorb, with intricate riffing, complex time structures, off-the-wall influences, strange vocals, and a general sense of "what's coming next?". This is the kind of album that sharply divides listeners, with some fascinated by its diversity and unpredictability and others turned off by its lack of structure and focus.

Current Members

Alessandro Serevalle


Marco Ferrero


William Toson


Ivan Bidin


Gianpietro Seravalle


Former Members/Guests

Alex Stornello


Rafaello Indri

guitars (ex-Elvenking)

Fabrizio Zidarich


Pino Mechi


Mauro Olivo


Camillo Colleluori

drums (Hollow Haze)


  1. The garden
  2. Silent waves in a raging ocean
  3. The giant and the wise man
  4. Wehwalt
  5. Ekpyrosis
  6. In the dark
  7. Onde radio

Path Of Dreams  
  1. Prelude: the gates of Hypnos
  2. Communion
  3. The bride of the wind
  4. Sex
  5. Interlude: between Eros and Thanatos
  6. Band lauft
  7. Kaos
  8. Oniros
  9. The cage
  10. Maj di muart
  11. Mortal maj
  • Alessandro Serevalle
  • Marco Ferrero
  • Mauro Olivo
  • Camillo Colleluori

The Seduction Of Madness  
  1. Horizon of events
  2. Taenia
  3. W8less/Noia
  4. Strange appetites (pornopazzia)
  5. Le château fou
  6. All the best years (my top ten)
  7. The doll
  8. Blurp
  9. Sedation (of madness)
  • Alessandro Serevalle
  • Fabrizio Zidarich
  • Mauro Olivo
  • Camillo Colleluori

  1. Chemotaxis: I RH-(chemicalism)
  2. Chemotaxis: II Dirt
  3. Chemotaxis: III Death at the mirror
  4. Chemotaxis: IV Alter-ego
  5. Chemotaxis: V Erasure
  6. Chemotaxis: VI Trauma
  7. Dave in the swimming-pool
  8. La belle dame
  9. Immer unterwegs
  10. Psychic infrared
  11. Immune (he knows my strength ...)
  12. No more
  • Alessandro Serevalle
  • Alex Stornello
  • Marco Ferrero
  • Camillo Colleluori

Forget The Colours  
  1. Lead
  2. Hatred
  3. Anniversary
  4. Bisturi (including Coda: withered rose)
  5. Deinococcus radiodurans
  6. Obsession
  7. Christmas eve
  8. Negation of becoming
  9. Dreams slayer
  • Alessandro Serevalle
  • Rafaello Indri
  • Pino Mechi
  • Camillo Colleluori

Towards The Silence  
  1. Please Wait
  2. Caesura
  3. Luna
  4. Oxymoron
  5. Bottom Radiodurans
  6. 4
  7. Inadeguato
  8. Tome of Becoming
  9. Cursed Nature
  10. Der Stille Entgegen
  • Alessandro Serevalle
  • Rafaello Indri
  • Pino Mechi
  • Camillo Colleluori

  1. Patogenesi
  2. Ohne Zuckerzusalt
  3. Song for an Angel
  4. Expyrosis
  5. W8less
  6. Oniros
  7. The Doll
  • Alessandro Serevalle
  • Marco Ferrero
  • Mauro Olivo
  • Camillo Colleluori

  1. Iperbole
  2. Butterfly Song
  3. Trasfiguratofunky
  4. Negative
  5. Just Cannot Forget
  6. Flash (Short-Lived Neorealism)
  7. Clamores Horrendos ad Sidera Tollit
  8. Vacuum Fluctuation
  9. Re-Awakening
  10. Isterectomia
  • Alessandro Serevalle
  • Rafaello Indri
  • William Toson
  • Ivan Bidin
  • Gianpietro Seravalle

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