Origin: Barcelona, Spain  
Genres: Black Metal, Progressive Metal
Page online: April 4, 2023
Last update/review: April 4, 2023


Hailing from the Catalan region of Spain, Foscor is one of those relatively rare bands whose style truly spans more than one disparate genre over the course of their career. Indeed, when one listens to their 2004 debut Entrance To The Shadows' Village and a later album such as 2017's Les Irreals Visions, one would be hard-pressed to believe these originate from the same band. But when their discography is taken as a whole, a linear progression can be heard, from the raw black metal of Entrance to the dark alt/prog/post-metal of Irreals and beyond, with intermediate albums such as Groans To The Guilty showing traces of both styles as the band shifts and progresses. To these ears, the later period albums are the more interesting and unique, but even the earlier albums displayed an original streak worth investigating.

Current Members

Fiar (Joan Francesc Serra Monguio)


Falke (Gabriel Alcón Gonzalvo)


Albert Martí

guitars (White Stones)

Former Members/Guests





Isam Alegre (guest)


Esteban Portero




Jordi Farré

drums (ex-White Stones)

Jaime Diaz-Otero (guest)



Entrance To The Shadows' Village  
  1. Vers la foscor
  2. Inferus (Dungeons and Caves)
  3. Lunar Landscapes
  4. Old Wind's Revenge
  5. Ravens of Battle
  6. Al cor de la boscúria
  7. The Sorrow of Delight
  8. Entrance to the Shadows' Village
  • Norax
  • Fiar
  • Falke

The Smile Of The Sad Ones  
  1. Sot endins
  2. The Smile of the Sad Ones
  3. Life's Death Code
  4. El palau dels plors
  5. The Shame and the Spectre
  6. L'ombra de l'addició
  7. Gebre
  8. ...i tornà de les cendres
  9. Narrow Is the Path to Darkness
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Wilkhiem
  • Nechrist

Groans To The Guilty  
  1. Groans to the Guilty
  2. The Amber Nest
  3. In Case the Seasons Break
  4. Raids to Punishment
  5. L'hivern per a les muses
  6. La incertesa del plaer
  7. La vetlla
  8. 'Till Water Mirrors Couldn't See
  9. Searching a Seal of Pain (The Beauty)
  10. Melangia
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Wilkhiem
  • Nechrist

Deu Anys Vers La Foscor  LIVE
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Wilkhiem
  • Nechrist

Those Horrors Wither  
  1. Whirl of Dread
  2. Addiction
  3. Senescència
  4. L.amor.t
  5. Those Horrors Wither
  6. Graceful Pandora
  7. To Strangle a Ghost
  8. Shysteroos
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Albert Martí
  • Nechrist

Les Irreals Visions  
  1. Instants
  2. Ciutat tràgica
  3. Altars
  4. Encenalls de mort
  5. Malfiança
  6. Espectres al cau
  7. De marges i matinades
  8. Les irreals visions
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Albert Martí
  • Jordi Farré

Les Irreals Versions  
2018 Season Of Mist
  1. Instants
  2. Altars
  3. Encenalls de mort
  4. Espectres al cau
  5. Les irreals visions
  6. L.amor.t
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Albert Martí
  • Isam Alegre
  • Esteban Portero
  • Jaime Diaz-Otero

Els Sepulcres Blancs  
2019 Season Of Mist
  1. Laments
  2. Els colors del silenci
  3. Malson
  4. Secrets
  5. Cel rogent
  6. Cançó de mort
  7. L'esglai
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Albert Martí
  • Esteban Portero
  • Jordi Farré

Estrenyer L'Anima  EP
  1. . Estrènyer L'Ànima
  • Fiar
  • Falke
  • Albert Martí

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