Origin: Oulu, Finland  
Genres: Goth Rock/Metal
Official Site
Page online: April 6, 2004
Last update/review: December 19, 2023

For My Pain ...

For My Pain ... originated as a side project for a couple of members of Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, first conceived in 1999 and then shelved for a time before deciding to make a go of it in 2001, with several members employed in other bands. Musically the band is decidedly Finnish goth, a rapidly growing genre consisting of bands such as H.I.M., To/Die/For, Entwine, Poisonblack, and others. All of the above (or, perhaps, a mixture of them) serve as soundalikes for FMPs sole album, 2003's Fallen, as there isn't a lot of new ground broken here. Yet For My Pain ... do this style as well as any of them, with simple yet effective arrangements and a clear, classically goth croon from vocalist Juha Kylmänen. Fallen is so far the band's only album, as they disbanded in 2005, but a revised lineup emerged in 2023.

Current Members

Juha Kylmänen


Olli-Pekka Törrö

guitars (ex-Eternal Tears Of Sorrow)

Lauri Tuohimaa

guitars (Charon)

Marco Sneck

keyboards (ex-Kalmah, The Man-Eating Tree, Poisonblack)

Altti Veteläinen

bass (Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, ex-Kalmah, ex-The Man-Eating Tree)

Ari-Matti Pohjola


Former Members/Guests

Tuomas Holopainen

keyboards (Nightwish)

Petri Sankala

drums (ex-Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, ex-Kalmah)


2003 Spinefarm
  1. My Wound is Deeper than Yours
  2. Dancer in the Dark
  3. Queen Misery
  4. Sea of Emotions
  5. Rapture of Lust
  6. Broken Days
  7. Dear Carniwhore
  8. Bed of Dead Leaves
  9. Autumn Harmony
  10. Tomorrow is a Closed Gate (Dead for So Long)
  • Juha Kylmänen
  • Olli-Pekka Törrö
  • Lauri Tuohimaa
  • Tuomas Holopainen
  • Altti Veteläinen
  • Petri Sankala

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